over 40 how to eat to promote health, vitality,

and body harmony. 

I teach woman  

Show me how

and body harmony. 

over 40 how to eat to promote health, vitality,

I teach woman 

Show me how

I help woman

Redefine health, reconnect with their true selves, and reclaim their desired well-being. Using practical tips, actionable strategies, and science-based mindset tweaks, you can feel healthier and more comfortable in your body. Let's redefine, reconnect, and reclaim your well-being together.


While also finding the time to prioritize your own health.

But in order to regain that confidence and find your health, you need to 
create boundaries, put yourself first, and deal with the years of limiting beliefs that have been holding you back. 

The problem is there is so much information out there you don’t know where to start. Or you feel like you know what to do but can’t seem to be able to do these things consistently for a long-term change to happen. 

This makes you feel paralyzed and overwhelmed with what comes first or you end up in a loop of starting and stopping with no real progress made. 

helps other people, 

Someone that works hard

  • We get stuck on the physical weight - but it’s often the mental weight that holds us back.

  • You are in charge of how you think about yourself - no matter what your body looks like. You are worthy. You are enough.

  • Health is INDIVIDUALIZED and NOT a one size fits all solution. 

  • The health journey is messy, uncomfortable, and imperfect but small changes with consistent action add up to big changes over time. 

  • ACTION - no matter how small it may feel - is the only way to achieve transformation. 

I understand that feeling overwhelmed is common. You may believe it's impossible for you, think you've failed too many times, or feel you're not motivated enough yet.


I Believe:

Your wellness journey is unique to you. 

I know it can feel overwhelming to know how and where to start. Let me show you how. 




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This is an easy win for you to do something differently starting today. 

Mindset tweaks and feeling part of a community will help you feel supported throughout your journey. I started this podcast to help guide you as we make health changes together. 

EmpowerWell: Redefine, Reconnect, Reclaim. Our paid program to help provide tools and support to help you along the journey.